Starvation and the Smell of Fear

So I changed my blog again. Mostly by mistake. No, I don’t like it. Yes, I’m to sleepy to change it back. (refer to previous post for sleep habits.) However, I can write like a normal person again. If I so choose. Yay options! But be prepared for it to change again, shortly.

As I stated in my previous post I started a new job and I’ve come to a conclusion. As a general rule of thumb I’m a rash person. Not so in this case. I’ve thought this one through. Considered the consequences, looked at the pros and cons, weighed my options, and have made the decision that I would rather starve then work there.

Today I cried. In front of people. On the phone. It took about two seconds for the only reason that I was crying to be out of sheer humiliation. I then had an epiphany—People who call me at work are just like my Vegas high schoolers. Only bigger. And with an alarming increase in tantrums.

I’d take Vegas high school any day over my current job. Not that I didn’t cry in Vegas but that was mostly from a combination of stress, lack of sleep, and ripping an entire sleeve off a favorite shirt. Yes, there were times I cried out of pure frustration at feeling unable to reach my students but I always had hope that the next day would be better. When I cried today it was with hopeless anguish that at least for the next month, till my government clearance goes through and I can trot off to Iraq, I will be forced to succumb to grown men and women throwing a tizzy fit and being unable to threaten them with so much as a trip to the deans or even worse a phone call home.

At least I work with a cute boy…

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