Curiosity Killed the Cat

Ever heard the expression
Curiosity killed the cat?
In the scenario
I would be
the cat.
Most recently curiosity convinced me to try
Jillian Michaels 7-Day Challenge.
How to:
60 oz. Water
1 Tbls. sugar-free Cranberry Juice
2 Tbls. Lemon Juice
1 Dandelion Root Tea Bag
Hints that should have convinced me this was
a terrible idea
1. Dandelion Root
2. Dandelion Root-Promotes healthy liver function.
Have you ever eaten liver?
Me neither.
I have smelled it.
Anything that smells like that is
not to be trusted
or promoted.
3. Lose 5 lbs. “excess water weight”
It’s a conundrum.
How do you lose water weight by drinking more water?
Probably that tablespoon of Cranberry Juice.
4. Dandelion Root

So here I sit.
I keep opening the lid to see if it’s all gone.
Not even close.

Mexican Hot Tamale Craving Music

As of late
and by that statement I mean
as of always
something has been bothering me.
Drive straight into the Nevada desert.
Turn off main highway.
Drive farther.
Middle of nowhere.
The Spanish station is still crystal clear.
And you’re so far
in the middle of nowhere that your radio
doesn’t even work.
For those who are confused—
Not the Enrique Iglesias Spanish music.
I’m talking
the Mexican cantina
make you crave hot tamales
Spanish music.
Which makes me wonder—
How do they do it?
And most importantly,
what are all the good radio stations
—you know the ones people actually listen to—
Am I really supposed to believe that
Spanish stations have some secret technology
that allows them to broadcast to…
My solution.
Growl angrily at the radio.
Flip haphazardly through static.
Settle on Mexican hot tamale craving music.
5 second lapse.
Elect to drive in silence.

A Fridge List of Qualities

In the fall of 2007 there was a CES fireside.
The topic was marriage
and the qualities to look for in a spouse.
I did not actually attend this fireside.
Truth be told, I didn’t even watch it on T.V.
I was out actively evaluating spousal qualities.
Translation-I was with a boy.
My roommates however, were not.
They listened
and then decided to write these desirable qualities
on our apt. fridge.

A & I thought it would be nice to add
a few of our own chosen qualities.

They included things like—
Must be able to wrestle a bear.
With his eyes closed.
Or the capability and desire to make his own
My roommates thought this list was incredibly
And erased it.
But as funny as they
didn’t find it
I think there were some good points on it.
As such I am rewriting—
The Fridge List of Desirable Qualities in a Man.

1. Must be able to wrestle a bear.
With his eyes closed.
Here is why.
We’re camping. Bear attack.
I mace the bear.
But miss
(because he is only a really huge, giant bear)
and hit my hubs.
In the eyes.
Now we’re dead.
My husband is so cool he can fight a bear
with his eyes closed.

2. “All that I’m after is a life full of laughter.”
Life is so much better
when there is someone to laugh with.

3. Depthless curiosity.

4. Speaks another language.
Speaks to his kids in other language.
(Proven fact that this increases cognitive development
and my kids will probably need
every chance
they can get)
Does not speak to kids in other language about me.

5. Can fight a shark with one hand
tied behind his back.
Seriously though I don’t want to lose my husband to some
freak shark attack.

6. Sings.
Preferably like Josh Turner.
Preferably not like me.

7. Accepts the words I make up
and subsequently use on a daily basis.

8. “Let’s be adventurers.”
Lives this statement.
But in the non-pirate or creeper way.

9. Can outrun the wind.
While rocking a small child to sleep.
You just never know what situation might arise when
this quality will not only be important
but vital.

10. Starts water fights.

11. Will agree to live on a sailboat in the Mediterranean
for a minimum of “a short time”.

12. Must be able to grow facial hair.
The real kind.
Not the scraggly, patchy stuff.

I’m aware that this is not a complete list.
Yes, I know I didn’t mention
service, patience, integrity,
or a million other things I actually want in a husband.
That’s because this is a fake list.
I really would marry a man if he could wrestle a bear.

The Dummy's Guide to...

The heroine.
Awesome. Hilarious. Beautiful.
But most importantly
She leaves you feeling like a happier, more content individual.
Let’s call her A.

The Antagonist.
Redhead. Nice. Hopeless romantic.
But most importantly
Head over heels, crazy and madly, hopelessly in love with A.
Let’s call him Corey.

Current Status of A and Corey.
Not speaking. Not hanging out. Will not be dating.

How do you go from acquaintances with all
The possibilities of friendship in the future to
This complete and distant separation?

Let me explain.

How to successfully and completely estrange an individual
From wanting anything to do with you:

1. Lie to family, friends, their friends, total strangers
About every single aspect of your dating story.
Did you ever kiss A?
When in reality you did not even cuddle, hold hands, and rarely hugged.

2. Tell boys/girls interested in your loved one that
You are in fact dating and very serious and have been for a long time.
Feign shock when they have no idea and are disgusted that
He/she agreed to a date.

3. Confess your undying love before, during, and after loved one tells you he/she has no feelings for you.

4. Insist they are wrong.
Insist they have deep, passionate feelings for you.

5. Tell them you know you are meant to marry him/her.
When he/she denies wanting to even date you insist that this is destiny,
The stars aligning.

6. Nickname him/her something that reminds you
Of fairy-tale love.
Like Topanga. From Boy Meets World.

7. Create a blog about Topanga.
Post pictures that way your nickname is completely obsolete and pointless.

8. Write poetry.
Gushy love poetry.

9. Come up with an arbitrary date months in the future.
Insist he/she promised to go on a date with you on that day.
Count down the days wistfully wishing for
The day you can see your loved one again.

10. Write blog posts’ insisting him/her having no feelings for you is
Just a phase he/she needs to overcome.
You, however, will never give up.
Use phrases like
“She’s amazing and I just can’t give up. I can’t”

Easy, simple steps.
It worked for Corey and A
So it’ll work for you!

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