Mexican Hot Tamale Craving Music

As of late
and by that statement I mean
as of always
something has been bothering me.
Drive straight into the Nevada desert.
Turn off main highway.
Drive farther.
Middle of nowhere.
The Spanish station is still crystal clear.
And you’re so far
in the middle of nowhere that your radio
doesn’t even work.
For those who are confused—
Not the Enrique Iglesias Spanish music.
I’m talking
the Mexican cantina
make you crave hot tamales
Spanish music.
Which makes me wonder—
How do they do it?
And most importantly,
what are all the good radio stations
—you know the ones people actually listen to—
Am I really supposed to believe that
Spanish stations have some secret technology
that allows them to broadcast to…
My solution.
Growl angrily at the radio.
Flip haphazardly through static.
Settle on Mexican hot tamale craving music.
5 second lapse.
Elect to drive in silence.


  1. makes me and Andy crave chips and salsa EVERYTIME. and believe me, that happens a lot around here.


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