I won a blogging award!
Pretty positive the Liebster Award is kind of like a Dundee—for bloggers.
Best Award Ever.
Mostly, I’m just irrationally excited because Erin from Non-fiction and Fabulous
said and I quote “you are my favorite blogger”. Ermagersh!
So here goes with the required MySpace noteness in order to
actually claim my award and did I hear $100 cash prize? Hmm?
The Liebster Award is for blogs that have 200 followers or
less. The word “Liebster” is German for kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved,
lovely, valued, cute, pleasant, endearing, and welcome.
Here are the rules:
1. List 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger who nominated you
3. Ask 11 new questions for those you nominate
4. Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to
5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their
11 Facts
1. Don’t wake me up.
2. I didn’t know I was moving to Afghanistan until I showed
up for my first day of training in Germany. It was a rough first day.
3. I’ve recently revoked my hatred of mashed potatoes. But
only on some days.
4. I cannot for the life of me understand how torrents work.
Now that Limewire is no more I actually have to buy music.
5. I really like office supplies—pens, sticky notes, paper
6. I have been gifted a dictionary. More than once.
7. My cell phone has an antenna. Heyoo third world
countries! It’s legit.
8. My 6th grade school picture is disaster at its
finest. When people are sad I show them this picture.
9. I hate being cold.
10. I hate winter. See #9 for reasons.
11. Throat drops are one of my favorite kinds of candy.
Eran’s Questions
1. Describe your blog in one sentence. You may use a colon
not unlike a nonfiction book title.
Sometimes, I think I’m funny and then I write it down.
2.Speaking of colons (not that one, you sicko), what is your
favorite punctuation mark?
The dash.
I have a secret dream that if I die and someone compiles all
my writings and they become “oh so famous” because I died, which is “oh so sad”
that I will be known for using the dash. Like Emily Dickinson is for her
capitalization or Shakespeare for his made up words or E.E. Cummings for his
all out disregard for form. One day, English teachers will say and this author,
she used the dash—all the time and in entirely incorrect places.
I suppose I should stop deleting all my writing.
3. What was the first animal you killed with your car?
I honestly am not sure and thus claim having never hit
anything with my car. Except for a cow. But that’s a different story.
4. Which song do you dance to in the mirror when no one is
5. Favorite Transformer?
[Deep Gritty Man Voice]:
Yea, yea he’s
the bad guy—big deal when you have the best name ever!
6. You know when you think you're singing the right words to
a song but then you find out that you were singing it wrong? Write those
incorrect lyrics and let us laugh at you.
I sing just about every song incorrectly but I can’t think of a specific time that this has happened.
7. If one of your bones HAD to break, which one would you
My wrist. I previously broke it and due to my slight aversion to doctors, it has healed lumpy. By the time I saw a doctor, it had healed and then he volunteered—a bit to excitedly—to rebreak it in order to fix it. Can we all agree that doctors are sadists?
8. What do you REALLY want to be when you grow up?
A reader of books? A writer? Studier of etymology? Cool? I haven’t decided.
9. Name one thing you remember from high school biology. I
dare you.
Mitochondria. Bam.
10. Which phrase did/do you use to remember north, south,
east, or west?
Mountains are to the west—what use is remembering the others?
11. What's your go to dance move? Attempt to describe it in
It’s like awkwardness tossed about in jagged spurts of spontaneity. Not so pretty.
My Questions
1. Doesn’t 11 seem like a hefty number of people to
2. What is your dream vacation?
3. According to WebMD, do you have any “conditions”?
4. Pen or Pencil?
5. Do you sing “L, M, N, O, P”?
6. If I had to hide a body, would you help me?
7. What is your favorite saying (i.e. Like white on rice!)?
8. What is your creative inspiration?
9. Did you cry the first time you watched the notebook?
10. Do you know the Wobble Dance?
11. Have you given up answering these yet?
Congratulations can be sent to ATTN: Jessica Flandro—jaykay
you can’t have my real address. It’s OPSEC, people.
But really, thank you Erin for the wonderful award and
everyone go read her blog—Non-Fiction
and Fabulous—because she’s a lot funnier than me.
My Nominees:
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