Teacher In-service today. Note: This day is better when you aren’t a teacher. As I sat listening (mostly doodling) to differentiated instruction techniques and summative assessment ideas I happened to notice a yummy piece of eye candy on my left. Kicker—I don’t think under normal circumstances I’d find this man attractive. Has dealing with tiny humans all day warped my view on attractive men?
Typical Week: Sunday—1:00 Church. 3 hours. Men my age. Or older. I’m not a complainer.
Monday-Friday—7:00 School. 8 hours. Boys. Age: 15-18. Baby faced, no facial hair, high voices.
I’m being dramatic. I have more adult interaction than that. I have my cooperating teacher. Mrs. S. I eat in the English Dept. office. All women.
If there is an opposite of the Bieber Fever then I think I’ve caught it. So have my roommates. Non-Bieber Fever—A condition where men (must be over the age of 21 to qualify) appear more attractive. Are the defined jaw lines, five o’clock shadows, and deep voices an illusion? Are we just deprived due to the forced interaction and somewhat constant attention of 16-year old children?
I must admit that after the “hitting on”, attempted flirty comments, and “whispered” words (Kids can’t whisper. The ability to hear everything they’re saying doesn’t even take effort.) I can’t help but enjoy the attentions of an actual man; once a week when I happen to run into one.
**Note: Hyperbole. The use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device. Minus my desire for a strong jaw line and scratchy face. It’s the cave woman in me.
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