Crosswalks and J-birds

Rexburg has a phenomenon wherein a fight between a pedestrian and a car is won by…oh yes a car. Just like everywhere else. Interestingly enough however, the pedestrian’s still seem to believe that it is possible for them to succeed.

Case Study A: Imagine the typical Rexburg day. It is freezing. Quite literally. The temperature is in the negatives. The roads still haven’t been plowed from last week’s snowstorm (which is a whole different topic. Apparently when it snows 9 months out of the year the town just doesn’t have the manpower needed. But I digress.) and conditions are to say the least icy. Jane is approaching the cross walk driving at a slower than normal speed since she just twirled through the round about when Roger hits the crosswalk light and proceeds to cross the street. Jane slams on her brakes but due to the hazardous conditions slides through the crosswalk barely missing Roger.

Problem 1 with Case A: Really walking people??? Just because you hit a light does not guarantee that a car will be able to stop. The yellow light is not magical. It cannot save you. Remember the “Rules of the Road” as taught to you when you were 4 years old. 1. Hit the light. 2. Look both ways to ensure no cars are coming. 3. Proceed across the street.

Problem 2 with Case A: Us, car owners, we try to stop for you we really do. But due to the lack of plowing intelligence maintained by the City of Rexburg the roads are icy. And we are unable to. When my car slides into the street and almost into you I am just as scared as you are. I just know I’ll be the one to survive. Give the cars a little more time to stop before you skip on your way to class.

Case B: It is night. Jane is driving with her roommates singing along to California Girls although let’s face it she’s from Michigan. An infatuated couple, wearing black, dart across the street. Jane slams her brakes and barely misses them.

Problem 1 with Case B: It is nighttime. Yes cars have headlights but alas we still cannot see you “poppers”, especially when you clad yourself in dark colors. I know, I know but you just look so good in that black tee. Well take an extra two seconds and walk to a cross walk and then once again follow, “The Rules of the Road.”

Case C: Jane approaches a crosswalk. Ben is just about to cross the street so being courteous Jane waits. Ben slowly steps out into the street and begins to meander his way across. Maybe stops to pick some yellow flowers growing through a crack in the charcoal pavement for his soon to be wife. He stops and smirks up at Jane. Turns up the I-pod and years later reaches his final destination, the other side.

Problem 1 with Case C: “I will run you over!” is what every single car owner is currently thinking. Once in the street, get across the street. Do not dilly-dally and no meandering. Please don’t think I’m being ridiculous. I don’t expect you to run across the street. However, it shouldn’t take 5 minutes. Nor should it take 2 minutes.

Problem 2 with Case C: Please wipe that smirk off your face. I drive a car. You are walking in negative 20-degree weather. Even if I did stop and wait for you I will still get to school first. Plus I am decently warm. All your smirking does is make me not want to ever stop for you again. Or maybe “accidentally” stop braking. I kid, I kid. But for real.

In the words of the BYU-I Pedestrians, stop getting yourselves killed campaign, “Remember to share the road.”

Disclaimer: Despite some harsh words spoken above I would never intentionally hit someone with my car. That would suck. I hate going to the car wash. :)


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