Curiosity Killed the Cat

Ever heard the expression
Curiosity killed the cat?
In the scenario
I would be
the cat.
Most recently curiosity convinced me to try
Jillian Michaels 7-Day Challenge.
How to:
60 oz. Water
1 Tbls. sugar-free Cranberry Juice
2 Tbls. Lemon Juice
1 Dandelion Root Tea Bag
Hints that should have convinced me this was
a terrible idea
1. Dandelion Root
2. Dandelion Root-Promotes healthy liver function.
Have you ever eaten liver?
Me neither.
I have smelled it.
Anything that smells like that is
not to be trusted
or promoted.
3. Lose 5 lbs. “excess water weight”
It’s a conundrum.
How do you lose water weight by drinking more water?
Probably that tablespoon of Cranberry Juice.
4. Dandelion Root

So here I sit.
I keep opening the lid to see if it’s all gone.
Not even close.


  1. Bahaha! That makes me want to throw up! But if it works....hey whatever i guess...

  2. haha. This is funny Jess. Your blog is cute and makes me laugh.

  3. Give it up and have a twinkie, we only live once.

  4. hey there! this post was funny. And I really like the word 'conundrum'. you have a great vocabulary Jess ;)


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